Olen paju

Olen paju (Timo Maran)

Olen paju ja mind
on väga raske murda.
Tormid, mis tapavad
kuuski, ei tee mulle
midagi. Painutasid mu
maadligi ja ma tegin
endale uued juured,
uued võrsed ja võrakuju.
Ka vanas kartulikorvis,
ukse taha unustatud
luuana suudaksin ma
kevadel lehte minna.
Olen paju. Minu nimes
on palju lihtsat rõõmu,
sootihaste säutsumist,
vilepilli häält kevadiste
luhaheinamaade kohal.


I am a willow (Timo Maran)

I am a willow and I am
very hard to break.
Storms that kill
spruces cannot hurt
me. They bent me to the
ground and I made
myself new roots,
new sprouts and a crown.
In the old potato basket,
like an old broom forgotten
behind the door I could
burst into leaf in spring.
I am a willow. I have many
simple joys in my name,
cheeping of titmice,
tunes of flute over
the spring flood meadows.