Oma metsikus õrnuses Emapuu Remmelgas Pajupuu Emapaju Emapjupuu

Mother tree



Estonia has abundance of pristine nature, right now forests and trees are being cut down all over Estonia just for profit without long term sustainable planning. Tallinn City is one of few towns on Earth with forest inside dense populated area, now it is being cut to give space for road constructions financed by European Union structural funds. Help save large mother tree of Estonia ‐ last forests of Tallinn City, help save a 100-150 year old willow in town ‐ now is enough of senseless city planning and vandalism of our nature! Can you imagine? Estonians are logging timber inside their town, it is insane, especially when smart planning can save all of that unique natural environment.

Avaaz petition: Saving Willow – mother tree of Estonia
Estonian petition – Saving willow tree
City of Trees Conflict – Haabersti Willow, Estonia
Willow tree (Google maps location)